Oct 272013

What a fabulous weekend for www.AbsolutelyBichons.com and team Simon. After winning a Grp 3 on Thursday, Grp 2 on Friday, Grp 1 and Best In Show on Saturday, Simon wrapped things up with another Grp 2 today. These wins also gave him the title of Grand Champion and garnered him the placement of Number 1 Bichon in Canada for 2013. Thank you so much to our fellow bichon exhibitors for your support and enthusiasm. You really have no idea how special that is to us. AB Handler Heidi Gervais was kind enough to send this shot of the BIS ring when Simon was awarded his ribbon. You can barely see his little nose peeking out there. The photo I will entitle “Simon en Repose” was taken about an hour after we got home. I think he is grinning just a little bit.

The largest dog show in Canada, the Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers (formerly known as TradeX) is still my favorite show of the year. And probably will be forever now!

photoSimonSKCphotoin repose



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  3 Responses to “Simon – BEST IN SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

  1. So Nice, So Very Nice…..

  2. Awesome!!! Congratulations ladies, and special congrats to Sheri and Simon. Number one!

  3. Congrats…. No small feat!!!

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