Red Boy weighs 2 lb. 1.8 oz.
Green Boy is the heaviest at 2 lb. 5.3 oz.
Black Boy is the smallest male, 2 lb. 0.2 oz.
Orange boy is sticking out his tongue. He weighs 2 lb. 4.1 oz.
Blue Boy is 2 lb. 2.2 oz.
Petite Pinky, 1 lb. 12.3 oz.
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Hi Sue: Well everyone is adorable and it would be a very hard decision to pick one I am afraid – – love them all.
Too much cuteness! Can’t wait to see them again.
Love Pinky!
OH MY- Look how cute- their noses and eyes are so dark they just pop out and make me want to hold them all!! Thank you so much for continuing to post updates- they are growing up so fast! Cant wait to meet them!
They are all so adorable! I can still recognize Green Boy by his nose but. From the glimpses we get in videos and from your comments, the pups already have unique personalties developing don’t they? I’ll bet the first time they go outside and touch grass is priceless to see.