Jun 192015
Mr. Orange weighs 1 lb. 7.7 oz.

Mr. Orange weighs 1 lb. 7.7 oz.

Green looks proud that he weighs the most:  1 lb. 8.4 oz.

Green looks proud that he weighs the most: 1 lb. 8.4 oz.

Red Boy uses his sister as a pillow.

Red Boy uses his sister as a pillow.

The Black Male is the smallest at 1 lb. 5.7 oz.

The Black Male is the smallest at 1 lb. 5.7 oz.


Ways the SIX have changed in the last week:

They are learning to walk.

They can hear.

Vision is improving.

They are beginning to play.

Pink y at 3 weeks old.  She's trying to figure out how to get out of this bowl!

Pinky at 3 weeks old. She’s trying to figure out how to get out of this bowl!

Here's my handsome Blue Boy.

Here’s my handsome Blue Boy.



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  5 Responses to “Puppies – 3 Weeks”

  1. I love all of them, great to see the video I feel like I am there watching them.

    Piper looks pretty content, her busy time is coming.

  2. I guess Black Boy realized he has some catching up to do and that’s why he was the one chowing down in the video.

  3. Thank you so much for the pics and the video- so fun to hear them and watch them!

  4. Nice pics… thanks for sharing… they are getting bigger and bigger… cant wait to see them growing up… lolllll 🙂

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