Feb 162016

IMG_0650Today this Sassy girl is 5 weeks old and she had her first hair cut with the clippers.  Being a very brave girl I don’t think she even noticed that there was a lot of hair being removed from her body –then she got her nails trimmed (mostly while she was asleep). IMG_0645This afternoon she got to go into the dog room (with her mother along for support) and play with the “gym” that is going together to stimulate her mind.  While in the dog room she got to meet the other dogs in the house–she was inside of the x-pen used for Buzz and the other dogs came up to see her–not sure Buzz understands that this is a baby since he wants to play with her and I’m sure he would be to rough.  This week her she is getting around better and faster–and those little needle-like teeth are coming in–plus real, messy puppy food has been introduced.

Feb 112016

IMG_0643Week 4 brought big changes to this little girl–she is up on her feet and moving around–alert and taking in all the new experiences–and sassy, letting us know what she is thinking with growls, little barks, every once in a while a whine and playing with her toys.  This next week will bring more new things–sloppy puppy food (not from mom) and a move to a location where there is more activity and interaction with the other dogs.  There just might be a little hair cut coming too–this pup has LOTS of hair.

Feb 082016
The dogs are having a snooze after lunch.  Willow, my old girl, gets the soft bed.  Next to her is Baron and out in front is Monroe.

The dogs are having a snooze after lunch. Willow, my old girl, gets the soft bed. Next to her is Baron and out in front is Monroe.

Feb 042016
Flo-Jo is in the crate.  Her mate Chip is carefully guarding his bride.

Flo-Jo is in the crate. Her mate Chip is carefully guarding his bride.

Feb 022016

IMG_0638Being an only pup is difficult–she has no littermates to cuddle with, push her around or play with, so she has lots of stuffed friends.IMG_0640At the end of week 3 her eyes are open (she is seeing, but I think at this point it is shapes, but not seeing and focusing clearly) and she is wobbling around and getting stronger every day.  This next week promises more changes–and a move to an area of the house where there is more activity, noise, dogs, teeth should start to appear, etc.–she needs the stimulation–she is a very sweet girl–just like her mama.

Jan 272016
Absolutely Agape Fast And Flashy, Flo-Jo, can add the title of Champion to her name!  We're proud of this pretty little girl!

Absolutely Agape Fast And Flashy, Flo-Jo, can add the title of Champion to her name! We’re proud of this pretty little girl!

Jan 262016

IMG_0637Today the pup is 2 weeks old–you can’t tell from the picture, but her eyes are just beginning to open (she falls asleep easily) and she is becoming more active.  The pup’s pigment is still filling in and her hair is growing.  Week 3 should bring a few big changes.

Jan 212016

IMG_0635Only 1 week old and already getting lots of pigment on her face and pads.  This little girl is a GOOD eater and has steadily gained weight–of course being the only pup there is LOTS to eat and Poppy is being an excellent mother.IMG_0632This could be an overdose of milk!!!  On her back, up against her toy, under the fleece and against the warm snuggle disk–she is very happy to sleep.  This next week should see her eyes start to open–the puppies grow so fast and change so quickly.

Jan 212016

IMG_0631Buzz is in need of a hair cut–and he got one (I need to take a “after” picture).  Puppy hair is not the greatest!  This time Buzz was better in the bath and getting dry–I was only partially soaked!  Buzz likes his chews and he is really a happy dog–he looks grumpy in this picture, but he isn’t.