The threesome are 6 1/2 weeks old. They had their first baths. They did surprisingly well. The hair dryer experience was met with skepticism. The clippers and scissors affected each puppy differently.
Dec 282016
Dec 222016
Dec 222016
Rose (owner’s Jerry and Troy) is anxiously awaiting Christmas–perhaps a new toy and some treats in her stocking–because Rose has already checked out the box. Hmmm, Tiffany & Co. not a bad box to be looking for something from Santa!! Merry Christmas Rose.
Dec 192016
Dec 182016
Since all three 5 week old puppies attempted to climb out of their big box, they have been moved to a larger and more secure enclosure. Sunny loves to entertain them from outside their pen. (She also tries to steal their toys.)
Dec 152016
People have asked why there are not more pictures of the Pink Girl. I have had difficulty getting a good picture. Either she is not photogenic, or possibly it’s because she won’t hold still long enough to take a picture. Here’s our best effort.
Dec 122016
Dec 102016
Dec 092016
Dec 082016