May 052017

The “girls” are 6 weeks old and growing so fast.  This is Red girl in her favorite dog bed.  Red girl is a little cautious–in a new situation she’ll sit and look around, assess the situation and decide if she is going to venture forth–and she usually does!   The “girls” love to play together and with their mother, Sydney.Blue girl loves to wrestle with her littermate–and I’m so glad they have each other to play with and learn from–since both “girls” have those little needle-like teeth now they need to learn not to bite, which they are doing.  This week the “girls” moved into a new, larger area and have gotten to explore the dog room and meet new people and other dogs.  Both “girls” are very sweet!  This is such a fun age!!!!

Apr 282017

Red girl on the left, Blue girl on the right in their favorite puppy bed.  During the day the “girls” have moved out into a larger area for more stimulation and to get used to being around the “big” dogs (and the “big” dogs are very curious about the pups and the pups wag their tails and go nose to nose with the “big” dogs).Both “girls” are growing rapidly–both weighing over 2 pounds now–active, curious about everything–and just being sweet puppies.  Sydney continues to be a good mother–and since I’m trying to wean the pups from Sydney, she is almost being too good of a mother–they would rather nurse than eat puppy food!

Apr 182017

Violet is the puppy who loves to snuggle. She is often found next to her mother, Flo-Jo. She also likes to give hugs to her human family.

Apr 162017

The girls are 5 months old.  They are such good puppies!

They had a bath, but I can tell they are in need of a haircut.

Violet is the puppy who loves to snuggle. She likes to lay her head on your shoulder and settle in for some hugs.

Mitzi is hoping she’ll look so cute that I’ll give her part of my dinner. (I will admit she got a bite!)

Apr 122017

“Curious”, “fearless”, perhaps “mischievous”, are words that describe our Oliver. We love his personality!

Mar 132017

The weekend went as planned for Karen and Poppy, going Best of Breed both days at the Seattle Dog shows.  Poppy is back in the show ring collecting points for her Grand Champion title after producing a batch of baby bichons.  She is off to a great start!  (Poppy aka Ch. Absolutely Affinity Tootsie Pop).



Monroe also had a good weekend winning his first major on Saturday. Thus begins his journey to become a Champion.  (Monroe aka Absolutely Agape With A Bullet)


Monroe First Major2 FullSizeRender (003)

Feb 232017
It's so difficult to get the puppies to pose for a picture.  They are many more exciting things in their lives.  String cheese helps.  here's Mitzi, looking for that cheese.

It’s so difficult to get the puppies to pose for a picture. There are many more exciting things to do. String cheese helps. Here’s Mitzi, looking for that cheese.

Oliver thinks that cheese is pretty tasty!

And here’s Oliver, enjoying the cheese!

Feb 102017
Not only does Violet get to live with my daughter, she gets to live with her mother, Flo-Jo. Here she is in her new home snuggling with Mommy.

Not only does Violet get to live with my daughter, she gets to live with her mother, Flo-Jo. Here she is in her new home snuggling with Mommy.

Violet has left for her new home.  She’ll be living with my daughter and will be shown in conformation.  It will be nice to have her close!

Violet, almost 13 weeks old. Andrea, guard your hand towels!

Violet, almost 13 weeks old. Andrea, guard your hand towels!

Feb 072017
Our handsome green boy, now known as Oliver is 12 weeks old.

Our handsome green boy, now known as Oliver, is 12 weeks old.

There's nothing so sweet as a squeaky clean puppy!

There’s nothing as sweet as a squeaky clean puppy!