Chewie brought his family, Jasen, Gaby and Breanna to visit his old family, Chandler and Morgan (his brother and sister). They had fun getting reacquainted and playing together. He is doing his pat-a-cake in this picture. All the dogs say thank you, Breanna, for the yummy chicken treats.
Not to be outdone by Chandler, the Big Burrito also got his first point. Both of the boys did really well in the ring after they got over their nerves and excitement. It will be interesting to see which boy becomes the front runner. Do I see an inhouse rivalry developing?
Emoji was Winners both days as well as Best Opposite to add to her championship points. Ch Kevlar added points to her Grand Champion title and Oliver was Best of Breed on Sunday.
A nice weekend for team Absolutely.
My pretty girl, Violet, became a champion on November 9, 2019. Thank you for your help, Carol Fellbaum.
Chewie really knows how to celebrate. Happy one year birthday, little guy!
One year has gone quickly. Today we celebrate the birth of Chandler, Morgan, Brinkley, Chewie, Harper and Gloria!
Brinkley is trying on his costume for Halloween. How cute is that!