The puppies will be 5 weeks old on Sunday (August 1) and over the last 2 weeks there have been many changes (I actually have pictures from when they turned 4 weeks, but had lots of difficulty posting to the blog page, so in frustration I gave up!).Above is the female–eyes wide open, hearing, playing with her littermate and toys and being a puppy. Hair is growing rapidly (there might be a bath and haircut in the near future) and she has a few teeth starting to show up (the reason for the little bit of staining under her eyes)Above is the male and favorite “play toy” of the female. The 2 pups wrestle often and play with their toys. Both pups have started on puppy mousse and soon mashed up kibble. This little guy is just starting to “cut” teeth. Both pups are very close in weight–some days one weighs more than the other, but that can change the next day. Over the last 2 weeks the pups personalities are starting to show–you can really spend a lot of time watching these 2 and not get much done–but it’s worth it!!!
Every Tuesday, Junebug is weighed, her nails are cut, she gets a bath if needed, her picture is taken and she updates “her” blog page. She is just over 3 lb. now. She loves to play in the grass yard and she loves to play with the older dogs. She is chewing everything she can find – including human fingers and toes.
Tomorrow she has her first check up at the vet’s and gets her first puppy shots. As I am writing, she is running full-speed ahead, back and forth in front of me.
The Bichon Frise Club of Puget Sound held a Sweepstakes and Specialty on July 8 and another on July 9, in conjunction with 5 All-Breed shows. There was a very good entry of local Bichons and some visitors from Florida, Texas, and California. The weather was good, which was nice as the shows were all held outdoors in the grass. Below are pictures from the shows. Above, outside the ring waiting for the Specialty to start. Below is Pixie getting ready for the show, then Jan with Gracie in the ring. Sheri showed Mundo to his AKC Championship in 3 shows! Then Tasheena showed Shae in the 6 to 9 month class at the Specialty and Shae won, beating females much older to get her first win and a 5 point major!!! Tasheena had a busy day and weekend, showing Kevlar in the first Specialty, Kevlar was Best of Opposite Sex and finished her Grand Championship. Sheri also showed Burrito (below on the table). Elijah was entered and is shown below being groomed for the shows. Last picture is of Pixie and Shae cooling their feet–the weather was beautiful and very warm for furry, white dogs. Wilson was also at the show, but unfortunately we have no picture of him (he was in Puyallup Thursday and Friday only), but we was awarded Select Dog for 5 points.
The Sassy/Baron puppies are really starting to change. Over the last week their eyes have started to open (although they really don’t see much) and their ears have started to open. The pups are starting to walk, but it is more like a totter that ends with them falling or rolling over. I think that tomorrow they will have to move into a larger area with some good traction for walking and a way for me to keep them contained–they keep escaping from their crate–seeking their mother.
First picture below is the little male–he has made great strides this week and has almost caught up with his littermate in weight. Second picture is the little female, the escapee from the crate and the pup with the loudest whine to let you know that she is not happy about something. Both pups have good pigment around their eyes, nice black noses and they are now getting some black pads on their feet. Looking forward to seeing what this next week will bring in changes.
Junebug is 6 weeks old today.
She’s not sure this is a good way to spend her birthday….
Sorry to be so long in getting pictures of the 2 puppies born to Sassy and Baron July 27. This is the female pup and as of today both she and her littermate are the same size. For most of the week and 4 days she has been the biggest of the 2, but today the scale reported the same weight for both. At this age, not much goes on in the life of the puppies–they are just growing a lot. Neither pup is very big–today’s weight was 9 ouncesThe puppy boy above had a rather “shaky” start. Born at 5 3/4 ounces he just couldn’t seem to gain weight–either Sassy didn’t have enough milk or he was just working so hard to nurse that he burned more calories than he took in–anyway a little tube feeding was necessary for a few days, but now he is strong and has steadily gained weight–catching up with his female littermate. You can see that both pups have a lot of pigment–nice black noses, black mouths, and even some black pigment coming in around their eyes. Guessing that in another week their eyes will be open and they will be moving around more!
Junebug would like to spend all her time with the big dogs. She usually has to content herself with visiting through her xpen, but lately she’s gotten to spend more time exploring the house. The dogs are gentle with her, but she is well supervised so she doesn’t accidentally get hurt. Of course, once she has a taste of “freedom” she won’t be content to be confined.
Born June 27, 2021 to Sassy and Baron, one male and one female. This picture was taken when they were about 4 days old. Life with this small litter has been interesting. The male has had to be tube fed since he just wasn’t gaining weight–that has definitely changed and he is gaining weight daily and has almost caught up with his littermate sister. Sassy and the pups are doing well! Hopefully I’ll get pictures of the pups to post since they are now over a week old.
Junebug is changing daily. Her personality is beginning to show. She has always been a content puppy and an easy puppy to raise. Violet has decided she has put in enough time nursing and she has cut off the supply. Fortunately, Junebug has taken to her puppy food and seems to enjoy it. Litter box training began this week. Teeth are coming in.