Nov 052021








Nov 032021

Pictures?  The puppies were not interested and were not cooperating! I tried to trim the hair from around their eyes – they must have had a group meeting and decided that wasn’t going to happen today either.  Sorry these shots do not really represent how cute they are!

They are little porkers.  All weigh over 3 lbs. now and they eat a lot.  Gloria has definitely cut back on her time with them, but she is still a doting mother and once or twice a day she’ll choose to feed them.

They absolutely love to run through their part of the house and enjoy time on the patio.  5 month old Junebug is allowed in their pen for playtime.  It’s good for her to have playmates and  she helps to keep the puppies entertained.

I managed to take a not too bad picture of Gray Boy.

Oops! I thought this picture of the girls was pretty good – then I realized that instead of the girls we have Pink Girl, Blue Boy and Peach Girl

And the Boys, from left Gray, Blue, Brown

Oct 262021

The baths went well.  The big dryer was a little scary.  The clippers were met with varying degrees of appreciation. 

I can’t remember any 6 week old puppies having this much hair.  

The Pink Girl was a star in the bath…thus she had her picture made while she was still wet.   She cried when it came time for the dryer, but she became more comfortable as time went on.

Gray Boy had the most hair of any of the hairy pups.

Peach Girl was a brat! She even did what groomers hate, and put her paw over my hand, trying to push it away. Consequently, her haircut is the shaggiest. But when it was time for the picture, she sat like a princess.

Blue Boy was the bravest with the dryer. He is the happiest little guy. His tail wags like a windshield wiper.

Turquoise Girl’s coat rivaled Gray Boy is quantity. Whenever her picture is taken, she tilts her head from side to side.

Brown Boy has a very masculine look. He was right in the middle as far as tolerating the dryer and clippers. Clipper time at first made him unhappy and he moved around a lot. Then he settled down and tail started wagging. That just made him move more, so clipping was difficult. He has been known to express his opinion when he’s unhappy, but I guess he wasn’t too upset as he didn’t say a word.

Oct 202021

Things are changing for the puppies.  They still sleep a lot, but are interested in playing much more than they were last week.  One boy climbed out of his nighttime box so we had to come up with another place for puppies to sleep – and Mom Gloria wants to be able to watch over them, go in to see them occasionally, but she wants her own space, too.

The puppies are wearing their collars (under close supervision).  They have been introduced to the brush and comb. (You can’t start that too early) Litter box training is going well.  Pink girl is still the star pupil.

Pretty in Pink.

Big boy, Gray. Dude!

Still my favorite – Peach Girl

This is not the greatest picture of Blue. He looks kind of goofy.

My granddaughter and my friend like Turquoise Girl’s face the best. What do you think?

Brown Boy seems to be the first to do anything new.

Oct 162021

Daisy (aka Bridget, aka orange girl) is one of the sweetest Bichons I’ve bred. I love her and so does her new family.

Blue (who was blue boy) was quite shy when he was a puppy.
Socialization works. He is now known in his neighborhood as “Mr. Social.”

Today the litter from Donald x Violet is one year old! Happy birthday to this happy group!!

Bailey (green boy) gives kisses even when he has to wear a cone! I had the privilege  of watching him for a couple of weeks while his family was on vacation. He and Junebug had a fabulous time.

Dash (gray boy) got to go to school for a blessing of the animals.

Pixie (pink girl) loves the beach. She is also training for agility and conformation.

Oct 132021

Four weeks has gone by quickly.  It always amazes me how much puppies develop in four weeks.  They can now see, hear, walk, are approximately 5 times their birth weight, are cutting teeth and today they had their first “solid” food.  They play, growl, and one little boy (who shall be nameless) barks.

Puppy Mousse is a big hit. Pink is even crawling over her sibling to get to the chow.

Speaking of Pink, here she is. Pigment is coming in well. She still weighs the least, but is not far behind.

Gray Boy is over 2 lbs. now. I like his round eyes..

Peach girl looks a lot like her brother, Gray.

Blue Boy goes with the flow.

Turquoise girl has a very feminine face. You can see her holding on. She wasn’t happy to have her picture taken.

The secret is out – it’s Brown boy who likes to bark.

Oct 102021

In September, Ari (aka Blue boy), went to his new home with Lily.  Ari has several other Bichons to play with and will hopefully become a show boy–on to lots of new things Ari–we know we’ll get to see you in the future.

Oct 062021

Gloria is so attentive and protective with these puppies.  She is spending a little time away from them now, but at the smallest noise, she is right back in with them, checking that everything is o.k.

The puppies are starting to play together .  They bat one another and chew on one another.  Soon they will start wrestling and will sound like they are killing each other.  16 x 6 = 96 nails were cut today.  Some hair was trimmed around their eyes.  I notice from the pictures that more is needed.

Gloria’s sire, Donald, was best of breed in a very prestigious dog show today.  Maybe some of these puppies will follow in their grandfather’s footsteps.

Pink girl

Gray Boy

Peach Girl

Blue Boy

Turquoise Girl

Brown Boy

Sep 292021

Every puppy is over a pound, and gaining daily.  Supermom, Gloria, must have some rich milk – and she is taking such good care of them.  Weight gain is a good indication of the health and condition of the pups.

The puppies are well on their way to completing their early neurological stimulation exercises.  If interested in learning more, look it up on line.  It’s quite interesting.

Eyes are opening.  Ears are not as flat to the head but they cannot hear yet. They are moving around much more and I hear the beginning of puppy growls.

Pink girl was first born.

Second is Gray boy. He feels compact.

Turquoise girl didn’t want to pose. Camera had to move around a lot to get this picture.

Last born, but consistently the largest, Brown boy was on the go today. He would have crawled off the counter if I hadn’t monitored him carefully.

Peach girl is more awake than Pink or Gray, so her head is up a little bit.

Blue boy. Check back in next week. There is always a big change between weeks 2 and 3.

Sep 222021

September 15 was a good day.  Gloria, aka Supermom, delivered not the 5 puppies we were expecting, but SIX puppies.  Karen and I were sure Gloria was finished, and the next time I checked on the new family, there was an additional pup.  She delivered him without human “help” (she thinks it’s interference) and he was just fine.  I had to hunt up an additional marker and he is Brown Boy.

Here he is: the surprise Brown Boy.

Blue Boy

Gray Boy – he is quite photogenic

Turquoise Girl – sweet baby

Peach girl

Pink girl, not at all interested in having her picture taken

5 days old – they have grown already

New born, taken Sept. 15