Mar 062022

Dina and I traveled to sunny Del Mar, California at the end of February.  What a terrific weekend we had at the Bichon Frise Club of San Diego Specialty.  Its always so nice to see our California friends.  There was a very nice entry of 30 Bichons including Orion and Belle and our friends Cheryl and Dales boy Mundo. Orion and Belle finished in the ribbons each day but no big wins for either until the final day when Orion won Sweepstakes under Breeder Judge Lianne Bondurant and Reserve Winners Dog.  Of course Mundo was the big winner of the weekend taking Best in Specialty Show all three days while being handled by the talented Fan Yu.  A fun and exciting weekend.


Feb 162022

Canine Chronicle has ranked Burrito #9 in Breed and #7 in All Breed for the first part of 2022.  Burrito earned these positions based on his breed ring wins and the Group 4 win that he and Sheri earned in Puyallup.  Below is a casual picture of Burrito and Sheri in Puyallup (you can barely see Sheri, but I had to crop the picture to get it to fit on the blog).  Have to post the statistics quickly and cherish the moment since Burrito’s ranking will vary according to wins and the number of shows he attends–hard to compete with the national handlers and campaigned dogs–it sure is fun to see him in the Top 10.

Feb 142022

Over the weekend Jerry and Belle attended an International Dog show in Tuscon, Arizona where Belle earned her International Championship with multiple V-1 awards and a Group 4 in the Non-Sporting Group.  Each day there were multiple breed rings and evaluations.  Both Belle and Jerry enjoyed the experience (Belle probably didn’t enjoy the dry, pokey grass) and met some very nice other dog people.   We are so happy that Jerry is showing Belle and proud of what they two have accomplished already.  Looking forward to seeing more or Jerry and Belle in the show ring.

Feb 082022

Welcome Jerry and Belle to the world of showing dogs!  Jerry and Belle (Absolutely Queen of the Desert) took part in a 4 day dog show in Phoenix, Arizona–this was their first show together as participants.  Jerry and Belle did a terrific job!  Belle won her class all 4 days and she got more relaxed and showed better each day.  The best part–Jerry and Belle had FUN!  The Absolutely team here in Washington was wishing that they were in Phoenix to cheer and help Jerry and Belle, but they did great and had a wonderful experience–now on to the next shows–stay tuned for the next report!  Go Jerry and Belle, we’re so happy to have you both in the show ring.

Jan 272022

This is Orion.  Purejoy’s Absolutely Searching for a Star.  He is a new addition to our Absolutely family, bred by Kathy Martin of Purejoy Bichons in Burnaby, BC. At 11 months of age Orion ventured into the show ring for his true dog show debut.  Not only did Orion perform beautifully for such an unexperienced puppy, but he managed to get the nod all three days from the judges winning Best of Winners each day and gaining 8 points toward his Championship.   These are his first professional photos and he handled that pretty well too!  Looks like he may have a nice future ahead of him.  Good job little man.

Jan 252022

Burrito (Absolutely Affinity Full of Beans) was awarded Select Dog on Saturday and Sunday (January 15 & 16) and on Monday he was Best of Breed.  Burrito with Sheri on the lead went to the Non-Sporting Group and were awarded a Group 4.  Immediately after the Non-Sporting Group Burrito, again with Sheri on the lead, went to the National Owner/Handler Group and was awarded a Group 3.  Burrito is out of CH Absolutely Affinity Take No Lip and GCH Absolutely Agape Happy Talk.  Nice wins and a great way to end a fun 3 days of dog shows.

Jan 242022

This was our first dog show of 2022, and what a great show it was for Tasheena.  Her girls rocked!

Shae (Absolutely Snowbird Unleash The Shenanigans) loves everything about dog shows. With her big wins on Saturday, this 13 month old became a champion.

Fiona (Absolutely Affinity Gaelic Princess) surprised us all with her stellar performances. On Sunday she was Winners’ Bitch, for two points. She is only 6 month old!

Pixie (Absolutely Snowbird Hallmark Hijinks) prefers running and jumping to showing in the conformation ring.  She and Sherin worked hard and it paid off on Monday, when she got her first two points.

Jan 192022

Only Favor remains at my house.  Grayson has left for his new home in Texas.

We miss him already!

Grayson sits on his new owner’s lap. She is phoning friends and telling them all about him.

Jan 092022

In a week, Favor (peach girl) will get to try her “hand” in the show ring. There is a special baby puppy show for 4-6 month old puppies. She will be 4 months, 1 day.