May 232022

Finally we get to go to a show close to home.  Over the course of three days, every dog entered was given recognition.  On Sunday it was Junebug’s day to get best of the females entered.  But the most fun she had was on Sat. when she was entered in a competition called FastCat.

Junebug was a first time competitor and she ran the 100 yard dash in 19.28 seconds!

Junebug with Tasheena, showing off her ribbons.

Torie showed Junebug in the best of breed ring.

May 122022

Little Fiona was awesome at the National Specialty–she won her class in Sweepstakes and went on to compete for Best in Sweeps.  In Bred-By Exhibitor Fiona was awarded 2nd place in her age group.  In Conformation, Fiona (handled by Tasheena) was awarded Reserve Winner Bitch for a 3 point major and also Best Puppy in show under judge Bill McFadden.   Way to Go Fiona!!!

Shae, again handled by Tasheena did well in Conformation and  received an Award of Merit from judge Bill McFadden.  All of us are so proud of these young girls and we look forward to showing them again at next years National.

The last picture of Tasheena, says it all!!!

May 122022

May 2, 2022 the Absolutely team traveled to Tulsa, Oklahoma for the BFCA Specialty.  We had a fun time and the dogs did very well.  So proud of the dogs and the team!  Pictures–Belle giving me kisses!  ( I hadn’t seen her since she was 12 weeks old and went off to Arizona with Jerry).  Belle, with Jerry handling, earned a 3rd place ribbon in her class from judge Carol Fellbaum, Sweepstakes judge, a 3rd place ribbon in her class from Futurity judge, Larry Letsche, and a 4th place ribbon (again in her class–12 to 18 months) from Conformation judge, Bill McFadden.  Good work Jerry and Belle!

May 092022

Junebug has her game face on for her debut at the Bichon Frise Club of America’s National Specialty – May 2022

The Absolutely group and friends had a fantastic time in Tulsa, OK at our National Specialty.  Although Junebug took second place to her half-sister, Fiona, she showed great and made lots of friends.  She is such a good girl!

Eleven month old Junebug is getting ready for her debut.

Apr 272022

April 16, 2022 the Boston Terrier Club of Arizona put on a “B” Match.  Jerry and Belle attended and did very well.  Belle won her class, the non-sporting group and went on to win Best in Match.  Belle was shown by Jerry pictured here with all her ribbons and other owner, Troy.  Congratulations Belle and Jerry!

Apr 272022

Burrito, with Sheri showing him, was Best of Breed both days at the Tacoma Kennel Club show in the Tacoma Dome the weekend of April 23.  On Sunday Burrito was awarded a Group 4 in the National Owner/Handler Series–a very nice way to end the weekend.  In addition to Burrito doing well at the show, Fiona (Absolutely Affinity Gaelic Princess) was Winner’s Bitch both days and picked up 4 more points towards her AKC championship.  Shae (Absolutely Snowbird Unleash the Shenanigans) was Best of Opposite Sex both days.  Team Absolutely had an awesome weekend!

Apr 272022

Gracie, with owner Jan on the show lead, was awarded Reserve Winner at the Tacoma Kennel Club show at the Tacoma Dome the weekend of April 23.  Jan and Gracie have been working hard on become a team that works well together and all their hard work is paying off.  Soon the Winner’s ribbon for Gracie.

Apr 262022

Introducing American Champion Purejoys Absolutely Searching For A Star.

Orion finished his American Championship pretty quickly.  First show was in January, second in March and now wrapped up with his third show in April at the Tacoma Kennel Club show.  Orion will sit out for a few month to mature a little before he comes out to compete for his Grand Championship.  Plus we will be taking trips to Canada for his Canadian Championship.  After all, Canada is his homeland.  🙂 Oh Canada.

Congratulations to his breeder and Co-owner Kathy Martin of Burnaby, BC for breeding this lovely little guy.

Mar 282022

After Wilson (Absolutely Agape First And Goal) finished his championship, he decided to retire. A friend was asking for a nice male to be a friend to their female Bichon. Wilson was happy to oblige and he has fit in to his new family so well.

Mar 132022

Favor will be 6 months old in a few days.  She’s my happy girl!
