Nov 102022

Jerry and Belle attended 2 weekends of shows in New Mexico–and came away with quite a haul of ribbons!  Good job Jerry and Belle!  More shows for Belle over the next 2 weekends in Tucson, AZ–looking forward to more pictures with lots of ribbons.

Nov 092022

Superstar Brinkley has been working hard!

His titles include Canine Good Citizen, Two Legs of Novice A Rally and Advanced Trick Dog

Nov 052022

Week 6 brought lots of new adventures for the puppies–new toys, new food, a little training.  Emoji said it was time to start weaning the pups, so sloppy, mashed up kibble and puppy mousse have been their main staple.  Since all the pups now have at least a few teeth, tiny hard kibble has also been introduced.  None of the pups liked the introduction of collars–all scratched at the collars and tried to get them off, but after a short time playing and wrestling became more fun and the collars were forgotten.  Unusual noises were introduced (noisy babble ball), peanut butter on the water dispenser was a big hit.  Taking the pictures below was more challenging this week–Brown wanted to wiggle and was not cooperative (no pen in his picture).  This next week will bring haircuts and bathes and hopefully more socializing. 

Oct 292022

Week 5 brought lots of changes for the 4 puppies–they are really getting around and playing with each other and toys.  For most of the week the puppies spent their waking hours in the living room where there is more activity and stimulation.  Nighttime found them in the bedroom in the whelping box, until one of them decided to climb out of the box at 1:30 a.m. and whine until he was returned to the box.  The next night the pups had a new, secure, bedtime area in the dog room.  On Friday the puppies had several visitors,  KyAnna and Kelly came to visit and help socialize the pups.  The pups had a great time and slept most of the rest of the afternoon–entertaining is exhausting.   Sue and I took pictures, as did KyAnna.  While taking the pictures I neglected to change marking pens so there are 2 Green pups (one is actually the Blue pup–pictured at the bottom).

Oct 222022

The puppies are beginning to look like little Bichons!  They are up and moving–playing with each other and toys–learning to potty in the appropriate location–and they have moved out of the bedroom during the day into the living room where there is more noise and activity.   Their hair is growing and it’s time to trim the hair on their necks and clean their pads of hair for better traction.  Red continues to be the biggest of the litter, the other 3 pups are all very close in weight and size.

Oct 162022

Between week 2 and week 3 there have been some big changes in the puppies–eyes are open and they are seeing better–ears are open and they are hearing–and they are walking around better (sometimes forward is backward, but they are definitely more mobile).  Mouthing and playing with each other and toys has started, plus this week the pups moved into a bigger area.  Now lots of noises need to be introduced–loud noises, sudden noises so that the pups get used to them and are not fearful.  Red boy continues to be the big boy.  Brown boy and Green boy are very close in weight and size–Blue boy is the smallest but gains weight daily (just smaller structure).  s

Oct 072022

Red boy is the “big” boy!  Today he weighed in at 1#5 3/8 oz.   Pigment on noses and muzzles continues to come it.

Green boy weighed in at 1#1 5/8 oz.  If he weren’t so sleepy you would see that his eyes are beginning to open–you can see that the pigment is also coming in on his pads.

Brown boy weighed 1# 2 3/8 oz. and is awake enough to show off his eyes and the pigment around his mouth.

Blue is still the smallest–guess that’s the way he’s going to be, but his black pigment is in and his eyes are opening.  Week 3 will bring some big changes–eyes open and hearing will start.  The pups will also become more mobile–getting around better and personalities should start to emerge.

Oct 052022

I just received these pictures of Piper and they got me thinking about how she fits in the lineage of the newest litter of puppies.  She’s their Grandmother, on the sire’s side.  She is a beautiful, sound girl, with a wonderful temperament.  In these pictures she looks like a puppy instead of a Grandma.

Piper gets a new bed

She thinks she’ll snuggle right in and have a nap!

Sep 302022

On Friday, September 23, Emoji delivered her 4 puppies and sire, Baron, couldn’t be prouder of the all-male litter!  The puppies are 1 week old today and have grown quickly.Red boy is the largest–he was at birth and continues to be the “big boy” of the 4, weighing in at 13 1/8 oz.Green boy is second largest, but he and his next 2 littermates are very consistent in size.  Today Green boy weighed in at 11 1/8 oz.Brown boy weighed 11 oz. today–he and his littermate, Blue boy have been changing places on which pup weighs the least.Blue weighed 10 3/8 oz. today.  All the pups consistently gained weight all week, which is really nice from a breeder’s standpoint.  Pigment on their nose, around the mouth and starting in the corner of the eyes is also nice to see.  The next week will bring some big changes–hope to see their eyes start to open.  Emoji is an excellent  mother–constantly with them, keeping them clean and providing all the nutrients they need.

Aug 302022

At the Western Washington Cluster in Puyallup in July, Raven with Torie on the lead completed his AKC Championship.  Torie and Cherie are co-owners of Raven (Cherie is Raven’s breeder).  Raven is Torie’s first conformation show dog and Torie quickly learned the ring procedures and techniques!!!!  Congratulations to Raven, Torie, and Cherie, so proud of you.