On Friday, September 23, Emoji delivered her 4 puppies and sire, Baron, couldn’t be prouder of the all-male litter! The puppies are 1 week old today and have grown quickly.Red boy is the largest–he was at birth and continues to be the “big boy” of the 4, weighing in at 13 1/8 oz.Green boy is second largest, but he and his next 2 littermates are very consistent in size. Today Green boy weighed in at 11 1/8 oz.Brown boy weighed 11 oz. today–he and his littermate, Blue boy have been changing places on which pup weighs the least.Blue weighed 10 3/8 oz. today. All the pups consistently gained weight all week, which is really nice from a breeder’s standpoint. Pigment on their nose, around the mouth and starting in the corner of the eyes is also nice to see. The next week will bring some big changes–hope to see their eyes start to open. Emoji is an excellent mother–constantly with them, keeping them clean and providing all the nutrients they need.
Sep 302022
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They are a nice looking group. I need to have a talk with Baron regarding the all male litter….one female would have been nice.
It will be fun to watch them develop!
Great looking litter! Good job Emoji.