Pink Girl has always been the heaviest. She still is, just barely. She weighs 1 lb. 12 oz. During picture taking time she wanted to explore. I got several pictures of her back!
Our smallest puppy, Green Boy, weighs 1lb. 10.8 oz. He is small, but mighty.
Instead of sitting still for her picture, Miss Orange decided to go under the dresser. I had to fish her out! She weighs 1 lb. 11.8 oz.
Blue Boy has been gaining weight. He now weighs 1 lb. 11.8 oz. The puppies have a new daytime play space. It has a tunnel and Blue was the first to go in the tunnel. Brave Boy!
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Happy Four Weeks! They are growing up so fast! Looking good, healthy and happy little ones ?
They are looking lovely….Happy Four weeks…..