Apr 282016
Pink Girl has always been the heaviest. She still is, just barely. She weighs 1 lb. 12 oz. During picture taking time she wanted to explore. I got several pictures of her back!

Pink Girl has always been the heaviest. She still is, just barely. She weighs 1 lb. 12 oz. During picture taking time she wanted to explore. I got several pictures of her back!

Our smallest puppy, Green Boy, weighs 1lb. 10.8 oz.

Our smallest puppy, Green Boy, weighs 1lb. 10.8 oz.  He is small, but mighty.

1 lb. 11.8 oz. Miss Orange decided to go under the dresser. It was a challenge to get her to hold still long enough for a picture.

Instead of sitting still for her picture, Miss Orange decided to go under the dresser.  I had to fish her out!  She weighs 1 lb. 11.8 oz.

Blue Boy has been gaining weight.  He now weighs 1 lb. 11.8  oz.  The puppies have a new daytime play space.  It has a tunnel and Blue was the first to go in the tunnel.  Brave Boy!

Blue Boy has been gaining weight. He now weighs 1 lb. 11.8 oz. The puppies have a new daytime play space. It has a tunnel and Blue was the first to go in the tunnel. Brave Boy!

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  2 Responses to “Happy 4 Week Birthday!”

  1. Happy Four Weeks! They are growing up so fast! Looking good, healthy and happy little ones ?

  2. They are looking lovely….Happy Four weeks…..

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