Dec 272015

imageLosing a friend is never easy, even though you know it’s time.

12/27/1999 ~ 12/25/2015


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  9 Responses to “Goodbye to Wynnie”

  1. You will be missed Wynnie.

  2. I’m so sorry for your loss. Saying goodbye is never easy.

  3. So sorry to hear this. So thankful for the joy our pets bring us their entire lives.

  4. So sorry to hear of the loss, she looked like a very sweet and happy girl.
    It’s never easy losing one of our pets.

  5. They do tell you when it is time to cross over that Rainbow Bridge — even though it might not mentally be time for you to let them make that journey. Bless you for your courage to listen and to act. They are our babies and will always hold a special place in our memories. Heart-felt sympathy from another Bichon mommy who has had to let go.

  6. Sorry to hear. I know how hard it is. ?

  7. Oh my, I’m so sorry for the loss of a beloved friend. You are in my thoughts.

  8. So sorry for your loss. She will live forever in your heart.

  9. What a sweet girl. So sorry Sheri. You gave her a wonderful life and in return, her unconditional love. Never easy for us to lose our fur babies, but our comfort is in the memories and warmth in our hearts.

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