Sep 302016

Flo-Jo’s puppies are 6 months old.  Here are Trystin and Sunny.  Trystin is looking quite dapper.  Sunny….not so much.

Trystin looks like a perfect gentleman.

Trystin looks like a perfect gentleman.

Sunny, as usual, was not interested in posing for a picture!

Sunny (as usual) is not interested in posing for a picture!

Jul 192016

My little girl is 3 1/2 months old.  She is a friendly puppy.  She loves people and other dogs.  She is learning to walk on her leash in the practice show ring.  She can free stack (for a short period of time). She’d rather play than stand still on the table for the judge to examine her.  Her favorite pastime at home is to dig up dirt clods, bring them in the house and make a big mess.  Sunny, practicing to be a show girl

free stacking

free stacking

Sunny, just looking adorable.

Sunny, just looking adorable.