Sep 152015

Piper’s puppies are getting so big.  15 weeks ago they were smaller than Sydney’s newborns.

Cash has the last laugh

Cash has the last laugh

Cash about town

Cash about town

Finn helps with the dishes

Finn helps with the dishes

Fin helps make the bed

Fin helps make the bed

Finn puts his toys away

Finn puts his toys away

Louie, 15 weeks

Louie, 15 weeks

Louie's first boat trip

Louie’s first boat trip

Sep 042015
Hanging out on the deck

Hanging out on the deck

Mr. Black Boy has a name.  It is “Jimmy.”  His full name is “Jimmy Chew.”

Jimmy say, "Life is good!"

Jimmy says, “Life is good!”

Aug 312015

The lucky boy, Finn, sometimes gets to go to work.  Look how good he’s being!

I'm being good

I’m being good

When I go to work I chew my bone and rest in my bed

When I go to work I chew my bone and rest in my bed

Aug 272015
It appears Louie is most content on his back

It appears Louie is most content on his back

Yes, he loves to sleep on his back!

Yes, he loves to sleep on his back!

Even on a shopping trip, Louis wants to be held and sleep on his back. What a boy!!

Even on a shopping trip, Louie wants to be held and sleep on his back. What a boy!!

Aug 202015

Black Boy had a long drive to get to his new home.  He looks tired, but happy!

I'm home!

I’m home!

He has a bed, a crate, and a towel, but he closes to sleep in the floor.

He has a bed, a crate, and a towel, but he chooses to sleep on the floor.


Aug 202015
Cole and Louie have bonded.

Cole and Louie have bonded.

I’d say Louie has settled in to his new home just fine!

Leading the good life!

Leading the good life!

Skateboarding was on his bucket list!

Skateboarding was on his bucket list!