Good news on Piper’s health tests!
Eyes (CERF): tested and clear
Patellas: normal
Hips: good
For the complete report and verification, go to and type her name “Shyladawn Agape Triple Threat” in the search box.
Good news on Piper’s health tests!
Eyes (CERF): tested and clear
Patellas: normal
Hips: good
For the complete report and verification, go to and type her name “Shyladawn Agape Triple Threat” in the search box.
I’m pleased and proud to announce that Shyladawn Agape Triple Threat (Piper) is a new Champion. She was awarded BOW and BOS both Sat. and Sun.
The Wenatchee Kennel Club weekend was kind to Absolutely Bichons. Zeke and Simon also did very well. I’ll let Karen and Sheri tell you about that.
Thank you judges Mr. Kenneth Berg and Mrs. Eva Berg.
I’ll post Piper’s New Champion picture when I receive it.
Piper (Shyladawn Agape Triple Threat) got another 3 point major win today in Mt. Vernon. She’s a fun girl with a great attitude….love her!
It’s raining. That’s not unusual for Washington State, even in June. It’s not the best weather for a dog show, but we can deal with it.
What? They moved the Bichons from an inside ring to an outside ring?? Piper has to show on the grass??? (You may remember this is not her preferred surface.)
Happy Surprise!! She did great and got a 3 point major. You go girl!
Simon was Select Dog on Sat. and Best of Breed on Sunday
Rosie was Best Opposite on Sat. and Select on Sunday (the grand champion points are adding up!)
Piper was…….a different story! The show was outdoors. Piper thought, “Grass is not for dog shows. Grass is for lying down, sitting down and rubbing your face.” She was a happy but unrewarded Bichon.
Zeke, Simon and Piper would like to offer huge congratulations to their Dad, Chip (GCH Craigdale Chip Off The Rock) for winning the Stud Dog class at the Bichon Frise Specialty Show in Chicago.
To quote Richard Beauchamp, “A stud dog is a dog who, by merit of his genetic prepotency, has proven he is able to sire offspring whose quality alters the course of the breed in a positive manner.” Simon and Zeke were honored to follow their Dad into the ring to demonstrate the type and quality Chip has produced.
“Piper” (Shyladawn Agape Triple Threat) was awarded Winner’s Bitch at the Olympia Dog Fanciers show on May 5, in Elma Washington. That’s a 3 point major and she is very happy. It’s steak for her tonight!!