Jan 172018

Mitzi was too interested in playing to win any ribbons at our recent shows in Puyallup, WA. She stood still long enough for Anita to capture this picture of our pretty girl.

Oct 172017

What a great surprise! Mitzi is once again chosen for Best Puppy In Group and (drumroll please)  GROUP FOUR in the Non-Sporting Group.

Congratulatory kisses

Sep 042017

When you absolutely positively HAVE to see what is going on inside!  The famed vertical leap.  Next time we will record the hang time.  May have to call her Air Mitzi.

I’ll bet she looked just as funny from the inside.

Great photo by Dina Taylor!

Apr 162017

The girls are 5 months old.  They are such good puppies!

They had a bath, but I can tell they are in need of a haircut.

Violet is the puppy who loves to snuggle. She likes to lay her head on your shoulder and settle in for some hugs.

Mitzi is hoping she’ll look so cute that I’ll give her part of my dinner. (I will admit she got a bite!)

Feb 232017
It's so difficult to get the puppies to pose for a picture.  They are many more exciting things in their lives.  String cheese helps.  here's Mitzi, looking for that cheese.

It’s so difficult to get the puppies to pose for a picture. There are many more exciting things to do. String cheese helps. Here’s Mitzi, looking for that cheese.

Oliver thinks that cheese is pretty tasty!

And here’s Oliver, enjoying the cheese!

Feb 072017

Fresh from her bath…Mitci, 12 weeks

Mitzi, 12 weeks old

Mitzi, 12 weeks old