Brinkley strutted around the ring with owner Jennifer Wilson while Sue read his accomplishments–Brinkley has several Rally title, a Canine Good Citizen title, and Trick dog title. More titles to come! Good job Brinkley and Jennifer.
Shae and Tasheena were Select Bitch 4 out of the 5 shows (at both Specialties and 2 at the All Breed shows). Shae also went to the Owner-Handler ring and was awarded a Group 3 and a Group 4. Below Shae is pictured with her “winnings”.Nicely done Shae and Tasheena.
On Saturday, at the Seattle Kennel Club all breed show, Johnny (Absolutely Cumulus Traveler) was awarded Best of Winner for a major, which completed his AKC Championship (pending AKC certification).
Johnny (with Torie on the lead) was Best Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes on Friday and Reserve Winners Dog on Saturday. Second picture, Dale (with Dina and Sheri on the lead) was Best Opposite Sex Puppy to Best Puppy in the Conformation show Friday. Third picture, Oats with (with KyAnna on the lead) was Best Puppy in the Saturday Conformation specialty.