Jul 122018

This year our club held back to back Specialties in hopes of increasing the number of entries.  Well, we think it worked.  Entries were slightly higher but we did have a couple of exhibitors with high ranking dogs from Texas and the East Coast that I don’t think would have attended if we had the normal single show.  On the other hand, the draw could have been our Australian Judges John & Wendy Hutchison.  They are long time Bichon breeders and exhibitors and have a wealth of knowledge about the breed.  This was their first judging assignment in the USA and we were very fortunate to have them judge our event.  For whichever reason we felt the back to back was a success and we expect an even larger entry next year.

Now for the important stuff: US!

Sassy, Violet and Emoji showed very, very well each time they were in the ring.  Ya can’t help but be proud of those little girls.  Emoji won the sweepstakes competition in the 2nd show however no points were awarded to our girls this time out.  Not to worry.  Their time will come.

Our boys were a different matter.  Oliver and Simon both showed beautifully.  Best of Breed for the first show judged by Wendy Hutchison went to GCH Cher Ami Center of Attention.  A Multiple Best in Show winning dog and Simon was awarded Select Dog.  The little guy Oliver was given an Award of Merit.  So proud of him.  He is really coming along.

Show #2 Best of Breed was given to Simon, GCHG Absolute Affinity Agape Bullet Proof.  Judge John Hutchison made us work for the win as he compared Simon to the other dogs in the ring.  It was dead quiet around the ring.  When the judge had finally made his decision and pointed to Simon for the win a real cheer went up in the crowd!  I believe everyone in attendance hugged and congratulated us, even some people that I don’t know.  Not only did Simon win the Specialty, but we could confidently say that he now had enough points to give him his  Grand Champion Gold title.  One of just a handful of Bichons to obtain the gold title and the ONLY one who did so with an Amature Owner/Handler on the lead.  Oh and once again Oliver was given an Award of Merit.

After basking in the glory of the Best in Specialty Show win and the  GChGold, we went back to our set up and were surprised by a wonderful little GOLD celebration by Absolutely team members Tasheena Housman and Dina Taylor.  They are both so thoughtful.  I tried to hide it but it kinda choked me up a bit.  So we made a little toast to good dogs, good friends and good times.  Simon is a bit tousled in the photo but hey, he had worked hard and deserved to let his hair down a bit.


Emoji – Best In Sweepstakes

Oliver – Award of Merit

Simon – Best in Specialty Show and Grand Champion GOLD!

Our little After Party.

Just the best photo of Karen and Sue taken at our awards dinner. By Carol Fellbaum.

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  One Response to “Bichon Frise Club of Puget Sound – The Golden Specialty”

  1. Congratulations to all the winners, Karen, Sue, Sheri and the beautiful dogs.

    Loved the pictures, everyone looked so great.

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