Baron wasn’t the only winner at the Fraser Valley Dog Fancier show.
Miss Hannah did very well also.
Baron wasn’t the only winner at the Fraser Valley Dog Fancier show.
Miss Hannah did very well also.
Baron took some time off after his big win in May. Lately he has been back in the show ring and has exceeded our expectations.
It was time to say good-bye to Monroe today. He has won my heart! I’m so happy he will be living with Sheri and we’ll be seeing him often.
Reagan and Monroe visited the vet today for their final set of puppy shots.
Tomorrow Monroe goes to his “forever” home with Sheri.
I know Reagan and I are going to miss him very much!
Piper’s puppies are getting so big. 15 weeks ago they were smaller than Sydney’s newborns.
Mr. Black Boy has a name. It is “Jimmy.” His full name is “Jimmy Chew.”