
May 102021

We haven’t attended the dog shows in Elma for many, many years because they are typically scheduled for the same week that we are away at Nationals. But this year, as with everything else in life being different we were able to attend. And we are happy we did.

While Dina is convalescing from major knee surgery, we took Cash out to finish up his Grand Championship. He showed beautifully for Sue and managed to obtain enough Select Dog points to earn the title of Grand Champion.

Burrito took the Best of Breed ribbon for each of the 3 days that we showed which qualifies him for the title of Champion. He also got his first taste in the group ring and he did great in there! Fit right in.

Jan Rider was there with her lovely boy Elijah (littermate of Burrito) who took Reserve each day. Our great friend Adora showed Elijah the first two days but on the final day Jan decided to take the lead. It was Jan’s first real ring experience and she did a wonderful job. Taking a dog in the show ring for the first time is pretty intimidating. We hope she wants to continue in the ring because she has the makings of a very good owner/handler. Way to go Jan!

Aug 152020
Elijah with his Covid Summer Trim compliments of Tasheena. Elijah will be very fast now! I’m thinking this guy looks a lot like his father Oliver. And that’s not a bad thing.
Apr 132020
Well, here we are. Absolutely Bichons and some of our extended friends and family. Missing dog shows, missing each other. We never could have imagined that this would be our 2020. Looking forward to the time when we can look back at these days and say…Remember when? Be safe, be smart, be healthy everyone.
We will get through this.
Mar 092020

Shortly after returning from the trip to NYC, I was off again traveling to San Diego to judge sweepstakes at the Bichon Frise Club of San Diego’s annual Specialty. Being the judge inside the ring is certainly a different feeling than being on the lead as an exhibitor. I had a nice collection of beautiful bichons to judge ranging from just above 6 months to over 9 years of age. Below are my two ultimate winners for Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes. Jack and Holly, both from Hollyhock Bichons in California.

Thank you again to the San Diego club for this wonderful honor!

Mar 092020

I had the distinct honor and pleasure of being asked to show a friend and fellow competitors dog at the Westminster Kennel Club show this past February. Kathy Martin, Dina Taylor and myself traveled to the Big Apple for the show. This was my first time in the ring at Westminster although my 4th time actually at the show.

Tia and I  were still pulled out for the short list of dogs for further consideration.  Although we finished out of the ribbons, just getting pulled is a great acknowledgement. 

For those of you in the dog show world, or even if you are just a lover of dogs, you owe it to yourself to go to this show at least once in your lifetime.  It’s a great experience.  You can cheer us on while we are there!

Photo by our good friend Jerry Gardner.
Nov 262019

Not to be outdone by Chandler, the Big Burrito also got his first point. Both of the boys did really well in the ring after they got over their nerves and excitement. It will be interesting to see which boy becomes the front runner. Do I see an inhouse rivalry developing?

Emoji was Winners both days as well as Best Opposite to add to her championship points. Ch Kevlar added points to her Grand Champion title and Oliver was Best of Breed on Sunday.

A nice weekend for team Absolutely.

Oct 012019

Chewie really knows how to celebrate. Happy one year birthday, little guy!

May 262019
I admit to being a bit star struck by Jimmy Moses. He is kind of a celebrity in the dog world. A long time German Shepherd guy, I knew movement would be important to him. Some wins are more satisfying than others. This one certainly was one of those.
Here is Oliver winning Breed in a entry of 20 under esteemed judge Jimmy Moses.
Examination in Group
WhoooHooo! Group 3!!
May 082019

Oliver and I recently traveled to the Bichon Frise Club of America’s National Specialty near Orlando, FL. Karen and Sue were not able to attend. As you can see from the blogposts…puppies. But our friend Dina Taylor traveled with me. It’s amazing the gear that is required for one little white show dog. Dina helped me out with all of that and more, all the while maintaining an online presence with her employer Amazon. Dinas help was invaluable.

So Oliver won the Grand Champion Dog class in the Bred By Exhibitor Special Attraction judged by breeder judge Mayno Blanding. He also made the “cut” in the main event. Oliver received so much positive attendion from fellow breeders, exhibitors and other judges that we really felt like big winners.

Since we only see the vast majority of these people once a year, you never know how your young dogs will be received. Let’s just say that Oliver has many, many fans.

Here is our win photo. All other photos are by Dina, even the cool artisitic one in the hallway.

In other news: I have been elected to serve on the Board of Directors for our National Club.  This is truly an honor.

Another HUGE honor is that I have been voted by the membership to judge the Bred By Exhibitor Special Attraction competition at Nationals, 2021 in Chicago.  That is going to be really fun and a highlight in my bichon career.

I am really excited!!!