
Jan 202025
Carlo ventured back into the show ring over the weekend in Washington. He finished up his Puppy of Achievement requirements on Saturday and snagged his first 2 points going BOW on Monday. At 8 months today, his confidence is growing each time he is in the ring.
As we are sitting at the airport awaiting our flight back to AZ we are looking forward to our next adventure.
Carlo aka Absolutely Heard The Siren Song
By GCHB Siren’s Dark Enchantment
X CH Absolutely Agape Cute as a Bugs Ear.
Nov 112024

Absolutely Agape Heard the Siren’s Song (Lumier and Junebug)

Although he almost looks like a different puppy in each of these photos, this is indeed Carlo, Millie’s brother.

Carlo has competed four times in the 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy Competition and placed in group three of those times (Millie beat him once!).

Both Carlo and Millie have now aged out of the 4-6 month class and are moving on to the real competition in the 6-9 month age group.

May 232023
Someone once said his name will make him famous. 🤣  One Reserve Best In Show and two group 3’s in Lynden, Washington.
GCHB Absolutely Affinity Agape Full of Beans
By GCH Absolutely Agape Happy Talk (Oliver) and out of Ch Absolutely Affinity Take No Lip (Sassy)
Bred/Owned by Karen Paulson, Sue Swindle and Sheri Kennedy
Expertly handled by Andrew Meuller and Tiffany Skinner. Thank you both for presenting Burrito so beautifully!
Pictured below is two from this past weekend and one photo of Karen and baby Burrito scoring his first winners points.
Tasheena and Shae went Best Opposite each day and gathered up a OH Group 1 and 4 along the way.  Way to go Tasheena!
Dina an Dale scored 4 points total for the weekend.  Dale is off to an excellent start.
Gracie has a new title!  BCAT!  Congratulations Jan and Mark!  Great to see the performance titles!

Nov 172022

Absolutely Bichons – South

Here is Jerry with his girl Belle going Winners for a three point major at the Madera Canyon Kennel Club in Tucson, Arizona on November 12th.  Belle gained 4 points over the weekend and now has 10 points toward her Championship.  Another Oliver X Sassy puppy.  Registered name:  Absolutely Queen of the Desert.

Jul 192022

GCH Absolutely Wagnes It’s Time To pay The Piper aka Cash took a spin around the show ring as a Veteran at our local Specialty.  Dina sat ringside so she could watch her boy as Dale Hunter moved him gracefully for the judge. Both Cash and Dale still have the moves.

On day 2 Adora was on the lead as Cash showed the youngsters how it’s done.

The veteran class is special and always gets applause and a misty eye or two.  Well done Cash. Well done

Jul 192022

Jerry and Belle travelled from Green Valley, AZ to participate in our local Specialty weekend. Both Belle and Jerry are still quite new to the show ring but they managed to score Winners and Best Opposite on Sunday.  Now that the seal has been broken Belle should glide into her Championship.  Jerry is a long time friend of Absolutely Bichons and  we are so happy that he has jumped into the show-ring with his beautiful Belle.  Another Absolutely Champion in the making.  Great job Jerry!

Jul 192022

With a young Champion you certainly don’t go into a Specialty expecting to win. Sometimes we are surprised. On day 1 in Puyallup Orion (Ch Purejoy’s Absolutely Searching For A Star 💫 ) was awarded Best of Breed by judge Michael Canalizo.
Orion still has some maturing to do but I can see some more winning in his future.

18 months-first time out as a Special.

Apr 262022

Introducing American Champion Purejoys Absolutely Searching For A Star.

Orion finished his American Championship pretty quickly.  First show was in January, second in March and now wrapped up with his third show in April at the Tacoma Kennel Club show.  Orion will sit out for a few month to mature a little before he comes out to compete for his Grand Championship.  Plus we will be taking trips to Canada for his Canadian Championship.  After all, Canada is his homeland.  🙂 Oh Canada.

Congratulations to his breeder and Co-owner Kathy Martin of Burnaby, BC for breeding this lovely little guy.

Mar 062022

Dina and I traveled to sunny Del Mar, California at the end of February.  What a terrific weekend we had at the Bichon Frise Club of San Diego Specialty.  Its always so nice to see our California friends.  There was a very nice entry of 30 Bichons including Orion and Belle and our friends Cheryl and Dales boy Mundo. Orion and Belle finished in the ribbons each day but no big wins for either until the final day when Orion won Sweepstakes under Breeder Judge Lianne Bondurant and Reserve Winners Dog.  Of course Mundo was the big winner of the weekend taking Best in Specialty Show all three days while being handled by the talented Fan Yu.  A fun and exciting weekend.


Jan 272022

This is Orion.  Purejoy’s Absolutely Searching for a Star.  He is a new addition to our Absolutely family, bred by Kathy Martin of Purejoy Bichons in Burnaby, BC. At 11 months of age Orion ventured into the show ring for his true dog show debut.  Not only did Orion perform beautifully for such an unexperienced puppy, but he managed to get the nod all three days from the judges winning Best of Winners each day and gaining 8 points toward his Championship.   These are his first professional photos and he handled that pretty well too!  Looks like he may have a nice future ahead of him.  Good job little man.