Jul 292024

Two pups remain at my home.  In a few weeks Carlo will be leaving to live with Sheri.  The house is definitely quieter than with 5 puppies!  The morning after the other three puppies left, Junebug was unsettled.  I wondered if she would miss them and she did.  Things are back to normal with her, and she has her favorite puppy to console her: the Red Girl, Millie.

Millie (formerly Red Girl) thinks she’s one of the big dogs.

Our Green Boy was born in the car and we called him “Carl” because of that. His forever name is very similar: “Carlo”.

Jul 272024

Three of the puppies went to their forever homes today.  It is bittersweet as I will miss them, but I am happy they are all in wonderful homes!

Purple Boy has a new name: Kaiju. His new owner is so excited to have him and he is even considering showing him.

Sandy will be taking Blue Boy (Buddy) to friends in Alberta. They can hardly wait to meet him!

Long-time friends of ours, Lori and Dale, will co-owner Turquoise Girl (no name yet). We are all hoping she will be a wonderful show girl for them.

Jul 222024

Week 10 brought a spa day, complete with bath, trim and a puppy party with their best human friends.  They had a zoom video call, showing off their lovely faces and conformation to friends in WA, AZ, CA and even Canada.  They also got to demonstrate how well (or not so well) they can walk on a lead.

The Red girl loves to be in on the action. She is her mother’s favorite. She will be living with me.

Blue Boy will be known as “Buddy”. He is a sweetie.

Green Boy is a handsome dude. I love him.

Turquoise will be living in Canada with good friends.

Purple boy is the star when it comes to walking on a lead. He is spunky and isn’t afraid to let his mother know if she has gotten too rough.

Jul 152024

The puppies are always into something, whether it is stealing something from my pocket, bugging the older dogs, rearranging their bedding, or anything else they can think of!  Since their owner (me) is not feeling the greatest today, they are looking a little unkempt.  They need a bath and a little trim but that will have to wait.

Our first attempt at pictures was unsuccessful, but I did manage to get a picture of them all together.  The boys just happen to be in the front:  Blue, Purple, Green, followed by the girls Turquoise and Red, perched on top of the tunnel. 

Jul 082024

Tomorrow the puppies go to the vet for a health check up and they receive their first set of puppy vaccines.  So today was bath day.  After the baths, neither the puppies nor I was too interested in taking multiple pictures, hoping to get their best pose!

Miss Smartie, Red girl, learned to climb out of her night time and daytime pens. She had a wonderful time, but I had to curtail her fun for safety reasons. She now has a taller pen and so far she hasn’t mastered the extra height.

Blue Boy is our busy boy. He loves to be right in the midst of the action. All the puppies got to see a new, noisy toy today. He and Purple boy rushed right up to explore and conquer it!

Green Boy is so handsome. He is a little lover, too.

Purple boy is also a go-getter. He likes his adventures.

Turquoise girl was good in the bath. The dryer was a different story. She was the last puppy to get the spa treatment and her picture was taken soon thereafter. She doesn’t look too happy!

Jul 012024

We have had lovely weather – perfect for many trips to the large grass yard.  The puppies are getting braver every day.  At first they wanted to stay close to me, but today they were happy to venture far away and love following the adult dogs. They have had lots of visitors and seem to enjoy the company.

Red girl is a cutie. She has a lively personality.

Blue boy may be the most playful of the 5. I have tried to take some video of his movement, but he is too busy exploring, pouncing on his siblings or finding something he should not have.

Green boy, aka “Carl” as he was born in the car, is quite handsome. I love this little guy!

Purple boy is still the smallest, but he has a big personality!

Turquoise girl – playful, demanding, altogether lovely.