Jun 252024

Vera enjoys going outside when the puppies are there.  Their mother, Junebug, wisely stays inside for a little quiet time!

Vera tolerates the puppies. Sometimes they are a little obnoxious.

Jun 232024

This picture of Turquoise girl is somewhat indicative of her personality. All her siblings are asleep. She wants out! Shortly thereafter, she was sound asleep.

Purple boy charms everyone he meets. He had some visitors today and had a great time.

Jun 232024

It’s always fun when the puppies have their first full groom.  And it’s even more fun when friends come and help!  And the pups had their first visit to the grass yard and it was a success!  They weren’t phased by the new environment and they enjoyed exploring.

The Red girl used Tasheena as a teething ring! She was quite a character today.

Blue boy really displayed his fun and playful personality today.

Green boy had the most hair and changed from looking chubby to looking like a show boy. He was Mr. explorer when he played in the grass.

Jun 172024

This week the teeth have come through enough that they are sharp and that is uncomfortable for Momma.  They are chewing on toys, fabric and each other.

They want to spend more time out of their exercise pen.  At first they were content to stay close to me.  As the days went on, they ventured farther and farther until today they were down two hallways.  Trouble begins!

Busy day. The puppies were tired but we managed to get a few pictures – although they are not at their best.

Blue boy likes to wrestle. He is the furthest along with his potty training. Yeah!

Here’s our Green boy. My puppy holder had to leave the room, but I managed to get him to lie still enough for this picture.

Handsome Purple boy is the only puppy who hasn’t broken the 2 pound mark. He is very close.

Turquoise girl is still not shy about making her wishes known. Hmmm…wonder if she takes after her mother?

Jun 102024

Between weeks 3 and 4 the puppies grow and change so much.  They have moved from their “studio apartment” to a “one bedroom”.  In other words, moved from the small enclosure in the bathroom to a larger area in the dining room.  They still have a secure box for sleeping, but numerous times during the day they get out and stretch their legs.

Red girl is sitting on her potty tray. It’s never too early to begin training.

Blue boy has made big strides this week. He had a big weight gain. He is one of the few who has learned to climb in and out of his sleeping box.

The Green boy is still the largest of the puppies. He seems pretty easy going.  You may notice the remnants of some of their lunch on the pad.

Purple boy on left with his sister Turquoise. Purple was trying to climb into the box, but as of today he hasn't mastered that. He was one of the first to go through their tunnel.

Purple boy on left with his sister Turquoise.  He is still working on his climbing skills, but he has mastered the tunnel you see in the background.

Turquoise girl was the first to go through their new tunnel toy. Tomorrow we’ll try the baby teeter totter.

As of yesterday they began eating puppy mousse and mushy puppy kibble.  You may notice in the pictures that some of the kibble is still on their faces or their feet. They are very enthusiastic and climb into their plate to make sure they don’t miss any!

Jun 032024

The changes between weeks 2 and 3 are very noticeable.  Their eyes are open and they are seeing a little more clearly.  They can now hear (as of yesterday).  I make sure I make lots of loud noises so they will be accustomed to a less than peaceful environment.  They completed their Early Neurological Stimulation exercises. Look that up on line if you are curious.  It’s a very interesting article.

Junebug is just hanging out with her babies. They are spending more and more time in the larger area. Their favorite spot continues to be the smaller crate.

Red Girl: I trimmed the hair around her eyes after this picture was taken. She weighs 1 lb. 4 oz. today.

Blue boy is the only dog who has shown any interest in the toys. He was trying to climb today, too.

Green boy remains the heaviest, weighing 1 lb. 5.9 oz. I got him up from a nice nap and he had trouble keeping his eyes open.

Purple boy and his brother Blue take turns outweighing the other. Today Purple is the smallest by .1 oz. He weighs 1 lb. 2.5 oz.

Turquoise Girl has been known to have a temper tantrum. She was quite mellow today.